C2OrF - Superconducting Magnets II
- Luisa Chiesa (Tufts University)
- Michael Green (LBNL & FRIB/MSU)
Herman H. J. Ten Kate
(CERN - Physics Department)
6/30/15, 4:00 PM
CEC-06 - Superconducting Magnet Systems
Invited Oral Presentation
In February 2014 CERN launched a design study for a future 100 TeV circular proton-proton collider with collision energy 7 more than in the present Large Hadron Collider. A new 100 km circular tunnel for the collider is foreseen as well as at least two new general purpose detectors. The study will materialize as a conceptual design report is to be issued in 2018 and eventually leading to...
Gerard Willering
6/30/15, 4:30 PM
CEC-06 - Superconducting Magnet Systems
Contributed Oral Presentation
During quench tests in 2010 variations in resistance of an order of magnitude were found in the diode by-pass circuit of main LHC magnets. An investigation campaign was started to understand the source, the occurrence and the impact of the high resistances. Many tests were performed offline in the SM18 test facility with a focus on the contact resistance of the diode to heat sink contact and...
6/30/15, 4:45 PM
CEC-06 - Superconducting Magnet Systems
Contributed Oral Presentation
The LHC-Accelerator Research Program (LARP) has been designing and fabricating R&D magnets for the High Luminosity Upgrade (U.S.- Hi-Lumi) for over ten years. The magnets require keystoned Nb3Sn Rutherford cables in minimum unit lengths of up to 500 m. The cables are fabricated from wires with different diameter and filament layouts of RRP® fabricated by Oxford Superconducting Technology....
Antonio della Corte
(ENEA - C.R. Frascati, Italy)
6/30/15, 5:00 PM
CEC-06 - Superconducting Magnet Systems
Contributed Oral Presentation
A wide bore superconducting solenoid is the core of the NAFASSY (NAtional FAcility for Superconducting SYstems) test facility, which is under construction at the University of Salerno. The NAFASSY laboratory is a joint program among University of Salerno, ENEA, CRdC and INFN under the financial support of the Italian Ministry for University and Research. The facility, hosted in a new building,...
Philippe Masson
(University of Houston)
6/30/15, 5:15 PM
CEC-06 - Superconducting Magnet Systems
Contributed Oral Presentation
Large power direct drive superconducting generators for off-shore wind turbines show promise for competitive cost of energy and would enable the deployment of wind turbine outputting 10 MW or more. As part of an ARPA-e project, a 10 MW generator was optimized based on YBCO excitation coils. The rotor is using an iron core in order to reduce the amount of HTS required and lead to an acceptable...
soumen kar
(Inter-University Accelerator Centre)
6/30/15, 5:30 PM
CEC-06 - Superconducting Magnet Systems
Contributed Oral Presentation
One of the important features of any conduction-cooled LTS coil is to achieve thermal stability against any thermal disturbances as the minimum quench energy of a NbTi coil is very minimal.The thermal stability of the conduction-cooled magnet system will be governed by the energy balance at the NbTi coil. The cryogen-free magnets are cooled using cryocooler alone through the conductive thermal...
Jan Patrick Meier
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH), Mr
Jorge Ceballos Velasco
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH)
6/30/15, 5:45 PM
CEC-06 - Superconducting Magnet Systems
Contributed Oral Presentation
The FAIR project evolves and builds an international accelerator and experimental facility for basic research activities in various fields of modern physics. Within the course of this project, integrated Quadrupole Doublet Modules (QDMs) are in development. The QDMs provide two superconducting main quadrupoles (focusing and defocusing), corrector magnets, cryogenic collimators and beam...