C2OrC - Pulsating Heat Pipes and Thermosyphons
- Kathleen Amm (GE Global Research)
- Venkatarao Ganni (Jefferson Lab)
Hernan Furci
(CEA Saclay)
6/30/15, 11:00 AM
CEC-12 - Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, and Cryogen Properties
Contributed Oral Presentation
Boiling helium natural circulation loops are being used as the cooling systems of large magnet systems because they provide inherent safety and maintenance advantages. It is the case of the CMS detector magnet at CERN (already in operation) or R3B-GLAD spectrometer at GSI (in installation phase). Such cooling systems are mainly composed by a top helium reservoir that provides the coolant by...
Tripti Sekhar Datta
(Inter- University Accelerator Centre. New Delhi. India)
6/30/15, 11:15 AM
CEC-12 - Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, and Cryogen Properties
Contributed Oral Presentation
Five beam line cryomodules with total 27 superconducting RF cavities are installed and commissioned at IUAC to enhance the energy of heavy ion from 15 UD Pelletron. To reduce the heat load at 4.2 K, liquid nitrogen cooled intermediate thermal shield is used for all these cryomodules. For three linac cryomodules, concept of forced flow LN2 cooling is used and for superbuncher and rebuncher,...
Luis Fonseca
(University of Wisconsin Madison)
6/30/15, 11:30 AM
CEC-12 - Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, and Cryogen Properties
Contributed Oral Presentation
We report test results using an innovative passive cooling system called a “Pulsating Heat Pipe” (PHP) operating at temperatures ranging from 77 K to 80 K and using nitrogen as the working fluid. PHPs, which transfer heat by two phase flow mechanisms through a closed loop tubing have the main advantage that no electrical pumps are needed to drive the fluid flow. In addition, PHPs have an...
Haoren DENG
(Zhejiang University)
6/30/15, 11:45 AM
CEC-12 - Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, and Cryogen Properties
Contributed Oral Presentation
The oscillating heat pipe (OHP) has been increasingly studied in cryogenic application, for its high transfer coefficient and quick response. Compared with Nb3Sn and NbTi, MgB2 whose critical transformation temperature is 39K, is expected to replace some high-temperature superconducting materials at 25K. In order to cool MgB2, this paper designs a Hydrogen Pulsating Heat Pipe, which allows to...