29 July 2015 to 6 August 2015
World Forum
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Performance and Operational Status of Muon Detectors in the Telescope Array Experiment

30 Jul 2015, 15:30
Amazon Foyer (World Forum)

Amazon Foyer

World Forum

Churchillplein 10 2517 JW Den Haag The Netherlands
Board: 157
Poster contribution CR-IN Poster 1 CR


Toshiyuki Nonaka (Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo)


Measurement of shower particles using scintillators at ground level, with different absorber thicknesses, enables detailed studies of the Telescope Array experiment’s energy scale and of hadronic interaction models. We designed and constructed two types of such detectors. In this report, we present their performance and operational status.
Registration number following "ICRC2015-I/" 831
Collaboration Telescope Array

Primary author

Toshiyuki Nonaka (Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo)


Benjamin Stokes (University of Utah) Cady Robert (University of Utah) Dmitri Ivanov (University of Utah) Hiroyuki Sagawa (Institute for Cosmic Ray Research) John Matthews (University of Utah) Nobuyuki Sakurai (Nagoya University) Ryuji Takeishi (ICRR Univ. Tokyo) Shoichi Ogio (Osaka City University)

Presentation materials