Filament Eruptions Outside of Active Regions as Sources of Large Solar Energetic Particle Events
Stephen Kahler
(Air Force Research Laboratory)
03/08/2015, 11:00
Oral contribution
Gradual solar energetic (E > 10 MeV) particle (SEP) events are produced in shocks driven by fast CMEs, which are nearly always spatially associated with ARs. Several cases of SEP events associated with CMEs originating in large filament eruptions (FEs) from outside ARs have previously been known, but four more such cases from solar cycles 23 and 24 have been described by Gopalswamy et...
Andreas Klassen
(University of Kiel)
03/08/2015, 11:15
Oral contribution
Solar electron spike events are a special subclass of near-relativistic electron events characterized by their short duration, symmetric time profile and their strongly anisotropic pitch angle distribution.
All previous studied spike events until now were observed by a single spacecraft only.
We present for the first time measurements of an electron spike event that was observed...
Nina Dresing
(IEAP, University of Kiel, Germany)
03/08/2015, 11:30
Oral contribution
The Solar Electron and Proton Telescope (SEPT) carried on board both of the STEREO spacecraft provides four viewing directions to measure energetic electron and ion anisotropies. Two sectors cover the direction of the nominal magnetic field spiral in the ecliptic, with one looking towards the Sun and the other away from the Sun (Anti-Sun). The other two telescopes view towards north and south,...
Richard Leske
(California Institute of Technology)
03/08/2015, 11:45
Oral contribution
Solar energetic particle (SEP) pitch angle distributions are shaped by the competing effects of magnetic focusing and scattering as the particles travel through interplanetary space. Therefore, measurements of SEP anisotropies provide insight into particle transport and can probe interplanetary conditions at remote locations from the observer. The Low Energy Telescopes (LETs) onboard the...
M. Wiedenbeck
03/08/2015, 12:00
Oral contribution
Impulsive solar energetic particle (ISEP) events are understood to involve particle acceleration in relatively compact regions of the solar corona where reconnection causes the release of magnetic energy and produces both turbulence and larger scale motions that can interact with and accelerate charged particles. In many cases the longitudinal spread of ISEPs observed at 1 AU is relatively...
Wolfgang Dröge
(Julius-Maximilians Universität Würzburg)
03/08/2015, 12:15
Oral contribution
During August 2010 a series of solar particle events was observed by the two STEREO spacecraft as well as by near-Earth spacecraft. The events, occuring at the 7th, 14th and 18th of August, were originating from active regions 11093 and 11099. We combine in-situ and remote-sensing observations with predictions from our model of threedimensional anisotropic particle propagation in order to...