12–16 Oct 2015
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Europe/Budapest timezone

Nanoplasmonics for ultimate spatiotemporal characterization of optical near-fields

12 Oct 2015, 17:45
Kis terem (Small conference room) (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

Kis terem (Small conference room)

Hungarian Academy of Sciences

1051 Budapest, Széchenyi tér 9.


Dr Péter Dombi (Wigner Research Centre for Physics)


Nano-optical near fields already play a fundamental role in many nanotechnology applications including photovoltaics, sensorics and biomedicine. The characterization of nanoscale changes of the electromagnetic field on ultrashort (femto- and attosecond) time-scales is a core requirement for developing applications. I will show how ultrafast photoemission from and photoelectron spectroscopy on nanoscale systems can help to achieve these goals.


Dr Péter Dombi (Wigner Research Centre for Physics)

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