12–16 Oct 2015
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Europe/Budapest timezone

The International Conference on Precision Physics and Fundamental Constants is organized by the Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest, Hungary in cooperation with the Bogolyubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna, Russia and Pulkovo Observatory, Saint Petersburg, Russia.

The Conference follows the series of workshops on Precision Physics and Fundamental Physical Constants (2008-2014) which took place in St. Petersburg (Russia), Stará Lesná (Slovakia) and Dubna (Russia) (for the meeting of 2014 look at http://theor.jinr.ru/~ffk14/2014/index.html).

There will be a satellite workshop before our conference in Bratislava, Slovakia on Dispersion Methods for Hadronic Contributions to QED Effects: http://www.saske.sk/Uef/Conferences/FFK/Satelite_2015.htm

The workshop is devoted to precision measurements of hadronic effects like proton form factors, proton polarizability and hadronic contributions to the muon g-2. All participants of FFK-2015, Budapest are invited to attend Bratislava as well.


Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Kis terem (Small conference room)
1051 Budapest, Széchenyi tér 9.
You can watch and listen to the talks of the Conference as a virtual participant via internet using H.323 or Vidyo. The H.323 multi-call number is 003655119299. With Vidyo this number should be written as Contact and make an external call. You can watch the projected slides in the web page https://tv.euro-fusion.org/channel27/home/ by chosing our conference, the correct date and Audience with the password "view".