15–18 Sept 2015
Hotel Schweizerhof, Saas-Fee
Europe/Zurich timezone

XRootD and ROOT Considered

18 Sept 2015, 09:50
Hotel Schweizerhof, Saas-Fee

Hotel Schweizerhof, Saas-Fee

Haltenstrasse 10 Saas-Fee
Presentation Presentations Presentations


Andrew Bohdan Hanushevsky (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US)) Andrew Hanushevsky (STANFORD LINEAR ACCELERATOR CENTER)


This talk will take a historical view of how XRootD came about, the changes made to XRootD to improve ROOT performance, and what real-world performance problems remain. This talk will also look ahead on what could be done to simplify data access and where data transfer may be heading in a few years from now.


Andrew Bohdan Hanushevsky (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US)) Andrew Hanushevsky (STANFORD LINEAR ACCELERATOR CENTER)

Presentation materials