15–18 Sept 2015
Hotel Schweizerhof, Saas-Fee
Europe/Zurich timezone

The future of ROOT with R

17 Sept 2015, 11:40
Hotel Schweizerhof, Saas-Fee

Hotel Schweizerhof, Saas-Fee

Haltenstrasse 10 Saas-Fee
Presentation Presentations Presentations


Omar Andres Zapata Mesa (Metropolitan Institute of Technology and University of Antioquia (CO))


R is a widely used programming language for statistical computing and it was written in C language, based on S, developed by Bell Laboratories (formerly AT & T, now Lucent Technologies) by John Chambers and colleagues. It has a powerful set the packages for linear and nonlinear modeling, classical statistical tests, time-series analysis, classification, clustering, ... ROOT R is a package that allows you to use all the machinery of R from ROOT in c ++ integrate both technologies allowing a new development model to create new libraries for data analysis. Many other developments can be based on this work, so that R has a great future in the coming developments in ROOT.


  • ROOT R
  • Using R packages in ROOT
  • Possible future directions

Primary author

Omar Andres Zapata Mesa (Metropolitan Institute of Technology and University of Antioquia (CO))


Lorenzo Moneta (CERN) Dr Sergei Gleyzer (University of Florida (US))

Presentation materials