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21–23 Jan 2015
SUBATECH / Mines Nantes
Europe/Paris timezone


The Status of Reactor Antineutrino Flux Modelling

Recent results in the last years have led to potential new physics in the neutrino field with the "reactor anomaly" and the R&D of new experiments to tackle the existence of sterile neutrinos.
The methods developed to compute reactor antineutrino spectra require nuclear physics inputs, such as new measurements of beta decay properties for targetted nuclei, or theoretical developments. The final goal is to converge toward a more reliable estimate of systematic errors associated to these calculated spectra. 
Last Summer, the three new generation reactor neutrino experiments Double Chooz, Daya Bay and Reno, have shown in conferences a distorsion of the shape of their measured antineutrino spectrum in the 5-8 MeV energy range, reinforcing the need for further studies of the computed spectra. 

In this context, we think that this topic is worth a larger discussion between theoreticians and experimentalists from neutrino and nuclear physics to better understand the real challenges around neutrino flux modelling, and the experimental developments which may be required. An outcome of this workshop could be a report gathering the actual knowledge associated to the calculation of reactor antineutrino spectra.

Thus we are organizing an informal "hands-on" workshop, with very open discussion fed by some presentations .

This workshop will be organized in the charming town of Nantes (France) from January 21. to January 22. 2015 plus a day of discussion on January 23. in order to organize the work toward a report. Because of limitations in accommodation and to fulfill the workshop requirements, participation is by invitation only and is limited to about 35 participants.

No registration fees are asked. Lunches and dinners are at the charge of the participants.

To register to the workshop, follow this link.

A list of hotels can be found here.

A list of restaurants can be found here.

   Registration dates:

  • Registration opening: November 28th 2014.
  • Final electronic registration: December 18th 2014.


In case of any questions, please contact the local organizers