Alexander Pukhov
6/30/08, 2:30 PM
Talk present recent development of CalcHEP program for automatic calculation of matrix elemnts, integration over phase space and event generation.
Mads Toudal Frandsen
6/30/08, 3:05 PM
I present collider phenomenology and LHC signatures of the (Next to) Minimal Walking Technicolor models. The study is based on our implementation of the models into Calchep. I will also comment on work in progress implementing the model in Sherpa.
Gustaaf Brooijmans
(Columbia University)
7/1/08, 9:00 AM
Peter Richardson
(Durham University)
7/1/08, 10:05 AM
I will describe the Beyond the Standard Model physics implemented in the Herwig++ generator including the automatic generation of the hard process, two- and three-body decays and our treatment of off-shell effects.
Pietro Slavich
7/1/08, 11:10 AM
We present the fortran code SusyBSG version 1.1, which computes the branching ratio for the decay B -> Xs gamma in the MSSM with Minimal Flavor Violation. The computation takes into account all the available NLO contributions, including the complete supersymmetric QCD corrections to the Wilson coefficients of the magnetic and chromomagnetic operators.
Farvah Nazila Mahmoudi
(Mount Allison University)
7/1/08, 11:35 AM
SuperIso is a program dedicated to indirect constraint calculations in the MSSM, and in particular those associated to b -> s gamma transitions, providing for example the isospin asymmetry associated to these transitions at NLO accuracy and the branching ratio at NNLO. In this talk, I will present the most important features and the new developments of SuperIso, as well as some of the...
Oliver Brein
(IPPP, Durham)
7/1/08, 12:00 PM
From the Higgs search at LEP and the Tevatron, limits on topological cross sections, which can be applied to a large class of models, have been derived or, in the case of the Tevatron, are still updated. Developed in collaboration with P. Bechtle, S. Heinemeyer, G. Weiglein, K. Williams, our code can decide for models with an arbitrary number of neutral Higgs bosons, with given deviations from...
Henning Flaecher
(Royal Holloway, University of London)
7/1/08, 12:35 PM
Already today, low-energy data from flavour physics experiments, high precision electroweak observables as well as astrophysical data impose strong constraints on many new physics (NP) scenarios. In order to quantify the agreement of a particular NP model with the existing experimental measurements, a consistent set of theory predictions has to be provided. A common "MasterCode" to combine the...
Costas Papadopoulos
(Institute of Nuclear Physics)
7/1/08, 2:30 PM
I will briefly review the OPP method for the reduction of one loop amplitudes at the integrand level. As a first application the full NLO corrections to tri-boson production at the LHC will be presented, based on CuTTools and HELAC-PHEGAS matrix element generator. Finally I will discuss the different strategies towards an automatic generator at the NLO level.
Eduard Boos
(Institute for Nuclear Physics)
7/1/08, 3:00 PM
New options of the CompHEP package for computing and simulating processes in models beyond SM are discussed.
Michael Kraemer
(Particle Physics)
7/2/08, 9:00 AM
Stefan Ask
(European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))
7/2/08, 10:05 AM
This presentation will give a status report of the BSM processes available in Pythia 8. The features most relevant for BSM physics are summarized and a graviton study will be discussed as an example of how a so-called semi-internal process can be used to implement a new BSM process.
Juergen Reuter
(University of Freiburg)
7/2/08, 11:00 AM
We give a status report on the new WHIZARD version 2.0.0, along with a tutorial on the installation and usage of the program. The WHIZARD event generator is a multi-purpose event generator for multi-particle reactions at future colliders, especially for the LHC. We review both technical details of the most recent version and show its versatility with an overview over the most recent...
Tania Robens
(RWTH Aachen, Institut fuer Theoretische Physik E)
7/2/08, 11:35 AM
We present an extension of the Monte Carlo Event Generator Whizard which includes chargino production at the ILC at NLO. We include photons using both a fixed order and a resummation approach. While the fixed order approach suffers from negative event weights, the resummation method solves this problem and automatically includes leading higher order corrections. We present results for cross...
Gideon Bella
(High Energy Physics Department)
7/2/08, 4:30 PM
A detailed study of the di-boson Monte Carlo programs Pythia, MC@NLO and the program of Baur, Han and Ohnemus (BHO) is performed. None of these programs cover all aspects of di-boson production. The BHO code is used to produce event weights emulating anomalous triple gauge couplings in Pythia and MC@NLO events. In the same way, boson spin information which is missing for most di-boson channels...
Joakim Edsjo
7/3/08, 11:00 AM
DarkSUSY is a program package to perform calculations of relic density and various signals for direct and indirect searches, especially for supersymmetric dark matter. The new release of DarkSUSY with many improvements will be released and discussed.
Iris Gebauer
(Universitaet Karlsruhe)
7/3/08, 2:30 PM
The excess of diffuse galactic gamma rays above 1 GeV, as observed by the EGRET telescope on the NASA Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, shows all the key features from Dark Matter (DM) annihilation: 1) the energy spectrum of the excess is the same in all sky directions and is consistent with the gamma rays expected for the annihilation of WIMPs with a mass between 50-100 GeV; 2) the intensity...
7/3/08, 2:55 PM
Evidences for Dark Matter existence have been increasingly compeling. Current and future direct and indirect searches and results from LHC will provide a wealth of new constraints on the nature of Dark Matter. A web page initiated by the ILIAS network has been set-up to provide the community with a developping tool to evaluate the sensitivities and complementarities of different experiments...
Cyril Hugonie
7/3/08, 4:20 PM
I'll present the latest version of NMSSMTools, a package that computes the NMSSM sparticle and Higgs spectrum and checks all available experimental as well as theoretical constraints.
Masato Jimbo
7/4/08, 10:05 AM
We present results of the investigation on production and decay of
neutralino with the automatic calculation system, GRACE/SUSY-loop.
Sven Heinemeyer
7/4/08, 11:00 AM
Emmanuel Turlay
(LAL Orsay)
7/4/08, 12:10 PM
If physics beyond the standard model are discovered, an important goal will be to determine the fundamental parameters of the underlying model from numerous highly correlated observables in a rigorous treatment of the experimental as well as the theoretical errors. SFitter provides a comprehensive bottom-up approach by combining tools to fit models to collider observables and indirect...
Petros Draggiotis
We present our recent work on automated calculation of one loop QCD amplitudes. We will demonstrate the algorithm and our integration techniques for the one loop.