Markus Elsing
After more than a decade of software development the LHC experiments have
successfully released their offline software for the commissioning with
data. Sophisticated detector description models are necessary to match the
physics requirements on the simulation, while fast geometries are in use to
speed up the high level trigger and offline track reconstruction. The
experiments explore modern reconstruction techniques involving novel fitting
and pattern recognition ideas to optimize the performance for physics.
Calibration and alignment of the detectors using cosmic data has been the
focus for the past months. Event displays are an indispensable tool for the
monitoring and the debugging of the detectors and of the reconstruction
software. The talk will give an overview of recent developments in the LHC
experiments in the area of geometry, reconstruction and event visualization.
Markus Elsing is group leader of the CERN ATLAS data processing group since
2003 and for the same time he has been leading the tracking software
developments in ATLAS as software coordinator for the Inner Detector. In the
years 2001 to 2003 he was responsible for the design for the trigger
selection software of the ALTAS high level trigger system. He started his
career in DELPHI where he had been leading the track reconstruction and
energy flow software development since 1996. He also contributed to the
software for the simulation studies for the TESLA-TDR. Markus Elsing did
his PhD on heavy flavor electroweak physics and has been a member of the LEP
electroweak working group.
Markus Elsing