Zachary Marshall
(Caltech, USA & Columbia University, USA)
The ATLAS Simulation validation project is done in two distinct phases. The first one is the computing validation, the second being the physics performance that must be tested and compared to available data. Infrastructure needed at each stage of validation is here described. In ATLAS software development is controlled by nightly builds to check stability and performance. The complete computing performance of the simulation is tested through three types of tests: ATLAS Nightly Tests (ATN), Real Time Tests (RTT) and Full Chain Tests (FCT)., each test being responsible for different levels of validation. In this report tests on robustness, benchmarking computing performance and basic functionality are described. In addition to automatic tests, computing time, memory consumption, and output file size are benchmarked in each stable release in a variety of processes both simple and complex. Single muons, electrons, and charged pions are used, as well as dijets in bins of leading parton pT , Supersymmetric benchmark point three (SU3), minimum bias, Higgs boson decaying to four leptons, Z → e+e−, Z → µ+µ−, and Z → τ+τ− events.
Adele Rimoldi
(Unversity of Pavia and INFN)
Andrea Dell Acqua
Andrea Di Simone
(University of Rome II and INFN)
Ikuo Ueda
(ICEPP, the University of Tokyo, Japan)
John Chapman
(Dept. of Physics, Cavendish Lab.)
Joseph Boudreau
(University of Pittsburgh, USA)
Manuel Gallas
Vakhtang Tsulaia
(University of Pittsburgh, USA)
Yue Zhou
(Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Zachary Marshall
(Caltech, USA & Columbia University, USA)