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21–27 Mar 2009
Europe/Prague timezone

The PetaQCD project

24 Mar 2009, 08:00


Prague Congress Centre 5. května 65, 140 00 Prague 4, Czech Republic
Board: Tuesday 063
poster Hardware and Computing Fabrics Poster session


Mr Gilbert Grosdidier (LAL/IN2P3/CNRS)


The study and design of a very ambitious petaflop cluster exclusively dedicated to Lattice QCD simulations started in early ’08 among a consortium of 7 laboratories (IN2P3, CNRS, INRIA, CEA) and 2 SMEs. This consortium received a grant from the French ANR agency in July, and the PetaQCD project kickoff is expected to take place in January ’09. Building upon several years of fruitful collaborative studies in this area, the aim of this project is to demonstrate that the simulation of a 256x128^3 lattice can be achieved through the HMC software, using a machine with a reasonable cost/relia-bility/power consumption. It is expected that this machine can be built out of a rather limited number of processors (e.g. between 1000 and 4000), although capable of a sustained petaflop CPU performance. The proof-of-concept should be a mock-up cluster built as much as possible with off-the-shelf components, and 2 particularly attractive axis will be mainly investigated, in addition to fast all-purpose multi-core processors: the use of the new brand of IBM-Cell processors (with on-chip accelerators) and the very recent Nvidia GP-GPUs (off-chip co-processors). This cluster will obviously be massively parallel, and heterogeneous. Communication issues between processors, implied by the Physics of the simulation and the lattice partitioning, will certainly be a major key to the project.

Primary author

Mr Gilbert Grosdidier (LAL/IN2P3/CNRS)


Mr Andre Seznec (INRIA Rennes) Mrs Christine Eisenbeis (INRIA Saclay) Mr Damir Becirevic (LPT/CNRS) Mr Denis Barthou (PRISM/UVSQ) Mr Francois Bodin (CAPS Entreprise) Mr Francois Touze (LAL/IN2P3/CNRS) Mr Guy Le Meur (LAL/IN2P3/CNRS) Mr Jaume Carbonell (LPSC/CNRS) Mr Jean-Christian Angles d'Auriac (LPSC/CNRS) Mr Louis Rilling (KERLABS) Mr Olivier Brand-Foissac (LPT/CNRS) Mr Olivier Pene (LPT/CNRS) Mr Pascal Gallard (KERLABS) Mr Patrick Roudeau (LAL/IN2P3/CNRS) Mr Philippe Boucaud (LPT/CNRS) Mr Pierre Guichon (SPhN/IRFU/CEA) Mr Pierre-Francois Honore (SPhN/IRFU/CEA) Mr Rene Bilhaut (LAL/IN2P3/CNRS)

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