21–27 Mar 2009
Europe/Prague timezone

A Service-Based SLA for the RACF at Brookhaven National Lab

24 Mar 2009, 17:30
Club B (Prague)

Club B


Prague Congress Centre 5. května 65, 140 00 Prague 4, Czech Republic
oral Hardware and Computing Fabrics Hardware and Computing Fabrics


Dr Jason Smith (Brookhaven National Laboratory)Ms Mizuki Karasawa (Brookhaven National Laboratory)


The RACF provides computing support to a broad spectrum of scientific programs at Brookhaven. The continuing growth of the facility, the diverse needs of the scientific programs and the increasingly prominent role of distributed computing requires the RACF to change from a system to a service-based SLA with our user communities. A service-based SLA allows the RACF to coordinate more efficiently the operation, maintenance and development of the facility by mapping out a matrix of system and service dependencies and by creating a new, configurable alarm management layer that automates service alerts and notification of operations staff. This presentation describes the adjustments made by the RACF to transition to a service-based SLA, including the integration of its monitoring software, alarm notification mechanism and service ticket system at the facility to make the new SLA a reality. A status update of the implementation of the new SLA will also be reported during this presentation.


Tony Chan (Brookhaven National Laboratory)


Dr Jason Smith (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Ms Mizuki Karasawa (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Yingzi wu (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

Presentation materials