27 September 2015 to 3 October 2015
Kobe, Fashion Mart, Japan
Japan timezone

Upgrade of the ALICE Inner Tracking System

29 Sept 2015, 15:40
Convention room 1

Convention room 1

Contributed talk Future Experimental Facilities, Upgrades, and Instrumentation Future Experimental Facilities, Upgrades, and Instrumentation


Petra Riedler (CERN)


During the long shutdown of the LHC in 2018/19 (LS2) the present Inner Tracking System (ITS) of the ALICE experiment based on silicon pixel, silicon drift and silicon strip detectors, will be entirely replaced by a new tracker using novel monolithic silicon pixel chips. This new tracker will significantly enhance heavy flavor measurements, which are out of reach for the present system, e.g. charmed baryons, such as the ΛC, and will allow studying hadrons containing a beauty quark. The new tracker will provide an improved pointing resolution in r-­‐ φ and z, decreasing the present values by a factor 3 and 5, respectively, to about 40 microns for a pT of 500 MeV/c. Each of the seven layers will be constructed using 50 micron thin silicon chips on a very light weight carbon fiber based support structure, allowing to achieve a very low material budget for the first three layers of 0.3% X0/layer and 0.8% X0/layer for the four outer layers. The innermost layer will be placed at 23 mm radius, compared to presently 39 mm. Furthermore, the readout rate of the new ITS will increase from presently 1kHz to 50 kHz for Pb-­‐Pb collisions and 400 kHz for p-­‐p collisions, thus matching the expected event rate for Pb-­‐Pb collisions after LS2. This presentation will provide an overview of the upgrade of the ALICE ITS and the expected performance improvement. It will present the actual status of the R&D and give an outlook on the construction phase starting in 2016.
On behalf of collaboration: ALICE

Primary author

Petra Riedler (CERN)

Presentation materials