Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness III
- Zaida Conesa Del Valle (CNRS/IN2P3 - Universite de Paris-Sud 11 (FR))
Abhisek Sen
(Georgia State University)
29/09/2015, 09:00
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
Contributed talk
PHENIX has measured the $b\overline{b}$ production cross section in
$p$$+$$p$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 500$~GeV. In the absence of
displaced-vertex $b$-tagging, this is made possible by exploiting
the properties of $B^{0}-\overline{B^{0}}$ oscillations. Like-sign
muon pairs in the PHENIX muon arms are measured in order to extract
this signal. We report the $b\overline{b}$ differential...
Jeremy Wilkinson
(Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))
29/09/2015, 09:20
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
Contributed talk
The ALICE experiment's heavy-ion programme allows us to study the hot, high energy-density state of matter formed in ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions. In particular, heavy quarks (charm and beauty) serve as calibrated probes of the medium, since they are predominantly produced during the initial hard scatterings in the collision. ALICE's excellent tracking, vertexing and particle...
Fabio Filippo Colamaria
(Universita e INFN, Bari (IT))
29/09/2015, 09:40
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
Contributed talk
The study of heavy-quark production (charm and beauty) in pp collisions at LHC energies allows us to test perturbative QCD calculations and provides a reference for studies in heavy-ion collisions. Measurements in p--Pb collisions help to characterize the effects due to the presence of a nucleus in the collision (cold nuclear matter effects). ALICE has provided measurements of the nuclear...
Andrea Beraudo
(INFN, sezione di Torino (IT))
29/09/2015, 10:00
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
Contributed talk
Predictions obtained with the up-to-date version of our POWLANG transport code for heavy-flavour production in high-energy nuclear (A-A and now also p-A) collisions will be presented. To the usual Langevin evolution in the plasma we added a new modeling of the hadronization stage including the recombination with thermal partons from the medium at the decoupling hypersurface, to form...