Quark Matter in Astrophysics
- Bikash Sinha (Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata (IN))
Atsushi Nakamura
(RCNP, Osaka Univ)
30/09/2015, 09:00
Quark Matter in Astrophysics
Contributed talk
Lattice QCD is believed to have limited power for baryon rich QCD matter because of the notorious sign problem. There have been several approaches to circumvent the problem, such as the multi-parameter reweighting method and the pure imaginary chemical potential approach, which can not provide us information beyond $\mu/T=1$ where $\mu$ is the quark baryon chemical potential and $T$ is...
Eduardo Fraga
(Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)
30/09/2015, 09:20
Quark Matter in Astrophysics
Contributed talk
In recent years, there have been several successful attempts to constrain the equation of state of neutron star matter using input from low-energy nuclear physics and observational data. We demonstrate that significant further restrictions can be placed by additionally requiring the pressure to approach that of deconfined quark matter at high densities. Remarkably, the new constraints turn out...
Kota Masuda
(The Univ. of Tokyo / RIKEN)
30/09/2015, 09:40
Quark Matter in Astrophysics
Contributed talk
Recent observations of 2-solar-mass neutron stars (NSs) give us the problem, ''to be or not to be" for the exotic components such as deconfined quarks in dense matter of NS cores.
This is because the first-order phase transition to exotic matter leads to a softening of the equation of state (EOS) so that 2-solar-mass NSs cannot be sustained.
In our previous works [1,2], we have constructed...
Toru Kojo
(University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
30/09/2015, 10:00
Quark Matter in Astrophysics
Contributed talk
We construct an equation of state for massive neutron stars based on QCD phenomenology, with special attention to the behavior at density larger than twice of saturation density. Our primary purpose is to delineate the relevant ingredients of equations of state that simultaneously have the required stiffness and satisfy constraints from thermodynamics and causality. We construct the equations...