22–29 Jul 2015
Europe/Vienna timezone

Universal aspects in the equation of state for Yang-Mills theories

25 Jul 2015, 12:15


talk Non-Perturbative Field Theory and String Theory Non-Perturbative Field Theory and String Theory


Mr Alessandro Nada (University of Torino & INFN, Turin)


We present high-precision lattice calculations of the thermodynamics of Yang-Mills theories with different gauge groups. In the confining phase, we show that the equation of state is described remarkably well by a gas of massive, non-interacting glueballs, provided that an effective bosonic closed-string model is used to derive an exponentially growing Hagedorn spectrum for the heavy states. In particular, this model describes very accurately the results for the SU(3) theory reported by Borsányi et al. in JHEP 07 (2012) 056, as well as a novel set of lattice data for the SU(2) theory. In addition, we also also show that the equation of state in the deconfined phase exhibits a near perfect proportionality to the number of gluon degrees of freedom, including for the Yang-Mills theory based on the exceptional, center-less gauge group G$_2$.


Mr Alessandro Nada (University of Torino & INFN, Turin)


Marco Panero (University of Turin and INFN, Turin) Mattia Bruno (NIC, DESY) Michele Caselle (University of Turin & INFN, Turin) Roberto Pellegrini (University of Edinburgh)

Presentation materials