22–29 Jul 2015
Europe/Vienna timezone

Proposing a new LHC search for light compressed stop squarks

23 Jul 2015, 16:30
Großer Festsaal

Großer Festsaal

talk Higgs and New Physics Higgs and New Physics


Dr Christoffer Petersson (ULB-Brussels/Chalmers-Gothenburg)


The LHC searches for light compressed stop squarks have resulted in considerable bounds in the case where the stop decays to a neutralino and a charm quark. However, in the case where the stop decays to a neutralino, a bottom quark and two fermions via an off-shell W-boson, there is currently a significant unconstrained region in the stop-neutralino mass plane, still allowing for stop masses in the range 90–140 GeV. In this talk I will propose a new monojet-like search for light stops, optimized for the four-body decay mode, in which at least one b-tagged jet is required. I will show that, already by using the existing 8 TeV LHC data set, such a search would cover the entire unconstrained region.

additional information

The talk will be based on the paper ``Monojet-like searches for top squarks with a b-tag´´, done in collaboration with Roberto Franceschini, Riccardo Torre and Gabriele Ferretti, and published in Physical Review Letters (PRL 114, 201801),


Dr Christoffer Petersson (ULB-Brussels/Chalmers-Gothenburg)

Presentation materials