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22–29 Jul 2015
Europe/Vienna timezone

Leptogenesis in natural low-scale seesaw mechanisms

23 Jul 2015, 15:15


talk Astroparticle Physics, Cosmology, Gravitation Astroparticle Physics, Cosmology, Gravitation


Michele Lucente (LPT Orsay)


We consider the possibility of simultaneously explaining Dark Matter and the Baryon Asymmetry of the Universe using different low-scale seesaw realisations involving sterile fermion states (such as right-handed neutrinos), among them minimal realisations of the Inverse seesaw and/or the Linear seesaw. In particular, we discuss the possibility of obtaining a successful leptogenesis in the presence of pseudo-Dirac neutrino pairs, while accommodating all experimental and observational constraints (dark matter, neutrino data, laboratory constraints, etc).

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