Sushant Raut
(KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
Standard neutrino oscillation physics has entered the era of
precision measurements. With a large value of $\theta_{13}$ having
been measured, the remaining unknowns yet to be determined are the
mass hierarchy, CP violation and the octant of $\theta_{23}$.
The main problem in determining these parameters is the problem
of parameter degeneracy.
T2K, NOvA, SK, IceCube and the reactor experiments are all
currently collecting data to resolve this problem. However
if the degeneracies are severe, we will need the next set
of oscillation experiments that are currently in various
stages of planning/construction, such as DUNE, ESSnuSB,
ICAL, PINGU and the medium baseline reactor experiments. We
discuss the ability of the current and future experiments to
measure the unknown parameters.
Sushant Raut
(KTH Royal Institute of Technology)