22–29 Jul 2015
Europe/Vienna timezone

b-tagging performance for ATLAS in LHC Run II

Not scheduled
poster Detector R&D and Data Handling


Thomas Calvet (CPPM, Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS/IN2P3 (FR))


The insertion of the IBL (Insertable B-Layer) allows the ATLAS Experiment to significantly improve the b-tagging performance during the LHC Run-II. As well as the IBL, a significant effort has gone into improving the b-tagging algorithms. The expected performance improvement from both these updates, as well as the first results from commissioning the b-tagging with the new data, will be discussed in detail, together with the impact on physics analysis.

additional information

Submitted on behalf of the ATLAS Flavor Tagging Combined Performance Group by the ATLAS Speakers Committee representative Alex Read (a.l.read@fys.uio.no). Alex is not the speaker! A speaker will be selected by the Speakers Committee when the abstract is accepted.


Thomas Calvet (CPPM, Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS/IN2P3 (FR))

Presentation materials