Michele Pepe
We construct an energy-momentum tensor on the lattice which satisfies the
appropriate Ward Identities and has the right trace anomaly in the continuum
limit. These relations come forth when the length of the box in the temporal
direction is finite, and they take a particularly simple form if the coordinate
and the periodicity axes are not aligned. We implement the method for the SU(3)
Yang-Mills theory and, by carrying out numerical simulations, the
renormalization constants of the traceless components of the tensor are
determined with a precision of roughly half a percent for values of the bare
coupling constant in the range 0 < $g^2$ < 1. The renormalization constants of
the energy momentum tensor provide also a new method to measure the
thermodynamic features of a Quantum Field Theory: numerical results are
presented for the Equation of State.
Michele Pepe