Workshop on requirements for future detector technologies in view of FCC-hh
40/S2-B01 - Salle Bohr (CERN)
Ludovico Pontecorvo
(Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))
The purpose of the workshop is to assess the present limits of detectors technologies and identify the most relevant R&D trends that may lead to overcoming these limits and fulfil the requirements for FCC-hh detectors.
The workshop will also be an occasion to establish working groups on all sub detector (ID tracking, Calorimetry, Muon spectrometers and Magnet systems).
Each working group should address the potential and necessary further R&D, including need for high-energy test beams for MC validation, and eventually arrive to new Detector R&D proposals for consideration by the appropriate committees.
A further aim of the workshop is to start the the preparation of the Detector session for the Washington FCC Week.
A mailing list for people interested in detector design for FCC-hh has been established and interested people may self add to it.
General detector concepts
Radiation environment
Detector Simulation
Detector machine issues.- 1
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Convener: Herman Ten Kate
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Refreshment break
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Conveners: Ana Henriques (CERN), Marcello Manelli (CERN)
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Possible technologies, challenges and needed R&D(address the various regions (electromagnetic and/or hadronic calorimeter ; barrel/EB/EC/fwd) on a large or compact detector concept
Discussion, next steps- Needed actions in future in terms of physics simulations, R&D , test beams, getting organised,...Speaker: all
Conveners: S. D'auria, W. Snoeys
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Coffee break
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Conveners: M. Abbrescia, S. Vlachos
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