17–19 Nov 2008
Europe/Zurich timezone

Update from the LARIS lab

18 Nov 2008, 10:20
503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


Show room on map


Marica Sjoedin (CERN)


The LARIS lab is an off-line development lab for the ISOLDE-RILIS group. With increasing demand for the Resonance Ionization Laser Ion Source (RILIS) at ISOLDE there is little opportunity to develop new or improve existing laser ionization schemes. The limiting factor in resonant laser ionization is usually the final step above the ionization energy (IE) and it is desirable to use a transition to an autoionizing state. Unfortunately the region above IE is typically less well know and it is often necessary to look for good candidates by probing different excited energy levels over a wide frequency range. The LARIS (LAser Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy) laboratory was funded as part of the RILIS laser upgrade and is a separate laser lab where much of this time-consuming ionization scheme development will be carried out for stable isotopes. This presentation will give an overview of the lab and the first tests on the most urgently needed schemes/elements.


Presentation materials