The course will help professionals working in the Monte Carlo radiation transport fields to understand the various functions and attributes of the code. The event is organized with the support of Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) in particular of Marilia Lisboa De Oliveira and is hosted at the LNLS laboratory in the city of Campinas, state of São Paulo, Brazil.
Course Fee
There is a course fee - including the official dinner and five lunches - amounting to
- 450 CHF for users from Academic Institutions
- 450 +1000 CHF for commercial users
Like all previous courses, the intake is limited (to 30 participants) and acceptance will be on a first come first served basis.
Registration can be done by completing and submitting the registration form by March 1 2015. In case the limit on the number of participants will be exceeded during the registration stage, a waiting list will be set up. Please make arrangements for the payment as soon as you will get the respective details and anyway by Monday March 16, 2015. After that date, if any of the accepted registrations will turn out not to be finalized yet by the fee payment, people from the waiting list will be allowed to proceed in turn through the fee payment and validate their application within a delay of one week after the promotion to the main list.
Prior Knowledge
No particular experience with FLUKA or similar Monte-Carlo packages is required, however basic knowledge of LINUX/UNIX is welcome. For newcomers, not only to FLUKA but also to Linux, we strongly recommend to have a look into a Linux tutorial in order to be able to profit at maximum from the FLUKA course.
30 Linux laptop machines will be arranged