Dear Colleagues, In continuity with the first Accademia-Industry Matching event dedicated to neutron MPGDs (Micro-Pattern Gas Detectors), organized the 14-15 October 2013 at CERN, the RD51 collaboration will organise the Second Accademia-Industry Matching event dedicated to neutron MPGDs Date: 16-17 march 2015 Location : CERN Additional information is available on this page: This event provides a platform for discussing prospects of the MPGDs use for the thermal and fast neutron detection, commercial requirements and possible solutions. It aims to foster collaboration between the particle physics community and the users and fabricants of neutron detectors, and to discuss the potential of the MPGD technologies for the field. The topics to be covered are : - Academic and Industrial Applications - GEM, Micromegas and other MPGD neutron detectors - Neutron Converters - Simulations and Performance - Electronics The Neutron Scattering Community was well represented during the first workshop; we hope that it will be also the case for the second one. We believe that it is a good occasion to exchange ideas with the HEP community in order to broaden the development prospects on both sides. Hence we strongly encourage you to participate, to present your recent work on neutron detectors, and to take part to the discussion during the round table which will take place at the end of the workshop. Your presentation does not necessarily have to be focused on MPGD, but it should represent technical challenges (for exemple, 3He alternative, high spatial resolution, or high counting rate capability). Short presentation (5-10 min) are foreseen to introduce specific question for the round table (“where are we with the 3He shortage ?”, “futur detector needs in my institute”, “european projects”, …etc). We would appreciate if you would like to propose topics of discussion. Please send us your abstract, 10-20 lines max, before the 27th February, indicating if you would like to present somes results or a subject to be discussed at the round table The detailed program will be available at the beginning of march. You can see the presentations of the first workshop here: , and a summary is available here:
The Globe
385 Route de Meyrin 1217 Meyrin Switzerland