The specialized workshop "Neutron Detection with Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detectors" organised by RD51 in collaboration with HEPTech, will take place at CERN on March 16 and 17, 2015.
The goal of the workshop is to help disseminating MPGD technologies beyond fundamental physics, where academic institutions, potential users and industry could meet together.
The shortage of the Helium-3 in the world brings new challenges to neutron detection, especially in the areas of homeland security, non-proliferation, neutron scattering science and other fields. Micro-Pattern Gaseaous Detectors offer attractive alternative solutions for neutron detection, compared to Helium-3 based proportional counters. Moreover, this event provides a platform for discuss prospects of the MPGD use for the thermal and fast neutron detection, commercial requirements and possible solutions. This workshop aims to foster collaboration between the particle physics community and the industry of neutron detectors, and to discuss the potential of the MPGD technologies for the field. This event is jointly organized by the RD51 collaboration, the HEPTech Network and CERN KT Group. It is open to all researchers and commercial partners interested or working in the field of neutron detection.
Dates: 16 to 17 March 2015
Venue: The Globe, CERN
Route de Meyrin 385, 1217 Meyrin