May 26 – 28, 2015
Europe/Zurich timezone

Social Programme

Parton Showers, Event Generators and Resummation 2015

Conference dinner and the sightseeing

The conference dinner and sightseeing will take place at The “Wieliczka” Salt Mine. The Wieliczka salt mine is one of the most valuable monuments of material and spiritual culture in Poland. Each year it is visited by more than one million tourists from all over the world. The mine, built in the 13th century, produced table salt continuously until 2007, as one of the world's oldest salt mines still in operation. The Wieliczka mine is often referred to as "the Underground Salt Cathedral of Poland." In 1978 it was placed on the original UNESCO list of the World Heritage Sites. Even the crystals of the chandeliers are made from rock salt that has been dissolved and reconstituted to achieve a clear, glass-like appearance. Today, the “Wieliczka” Salt Mine combines many centuries of tradition and modernity, the history of several hundred years and an underground metropolis with extensive infrastructure.

Notable visitors to this site have included Nicolaus CopernicusJohann Wolfgang von GoetheAlexander von HumboldtFryderyk ChopinDmitri MendeleyevBolesław Prus,[6] Ignacy PaderewskiRobert Baden-PowellJacob Bronowski (who filmed segments of The Ascent of Man in the mine), Karol Wojtyła (later, Pope John Paul II), former U.S. President Bill Clinton, and many others.

Caution: Although the wonderful sights of the saline chambers may raise your temperature, please remember that it is quite cool in the mine (between 14° C and 16° C). Make sure to take warmer clothing even in summer. More information about Rules for visitors are here