EDUROAM: LPSC is a member of the Eduroam federation (https://www.eduroam.org/); if your home institution joined Eduroam, you will be able to authenticate to the Eduroam SSID with your home institution’s credentials.
LPSC WiFi: Should you not be able to use Eduroam, LPSC can provide you a visitor access to the WIFI by following these instructions:
- Use your Wi-Fi configuration tool to connect to the access point using the SSI WIFI-ACCESS
- With your favorite browser try a connection to Internet for example http://www.google.com
- You will be directed to LPSC’s network access page.
- Select English language, click Visitor, and fill the form, then select your contact at LPSC (you can specify the group but it is not mandatory):
- Catherine Biscarat or Christine Gondrand
- As soon as your contact validated your access you will be able to access to Internet.