Lars Bergstrom
(Stockholm University)
21/09/2015, 09:30
Paolo Panci
(Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris)
21/09/2015, 10:00
Direct searches for Dark Matter (DM) aim at detecting the nuclear recoils arising from a scattering between DM particles and target nuclei in underground detectors. Since the physics that describes the collision between DM particles and target nuclei is deeply non-relativistic, in the first part of this seminar I’ll review a different and more general approach to study signal in direct DM...
Juan Herrero-Garcia
21/09/2015, 10:40
We show that a positive signal in a dark matter (DM) direct detection experiment can be used to place a lower bound on the DM capture rate in the Sun, independent of the DM halo. For a given particle physics model and DM mass we obtain a lower bound on the capture rate independent of the local DM density, velocity distribution, galactic escape velocity, as well as the scattering cross section....
Jan Conrad
(KTH Royal Institute of Technology (SE))
21/09/2015, 11:20
I will review recent XENON100 results and XENON1T status.
Stefan Vogl
(University of Stockholm)
21/09/2015, 11:40
From an assumed signal in a Dark Matter (DM) direct detection experi-
ment a lower bound on the product of the DM–nucleon scattering cross section and the
local DM density is derived, which is independent of the local DM velocity distribu-
tion. This can be combined with astrophysical determinations of the local DM density.
Within a given particle physics model the bound also allows a...
Bradley Kavanagh
(IPhT - CEA/Saclay)
21/09/2015, 12:15
The framework of non-relativistic effective field theory (NREFT) aims to generalise the standard analysis of direct detection experiments in terms of spin-dependent (SD) and spin-independent (SI) interactions. I will show that a number of NREFT operators lead to distinctive new directional signatures, such as prominent ring-like features in the directional recoil rate, even for relatively low...