Sebastian Liem
(GRAPPA, University of Amsterdam)
21/09/2015, 14:30
An effective field theory (EFT) approach allows us to describe WIMP interactions as point-like, regardless of the specific fundamental theory at higher energies. We consider simultaneously all phenomenologically relevant EFT operators and perform a global bayesian analysis. We identify the most probable regions of the theory parameter space compatible with experimental constraints on the relic...
Jessica Elevant
(OKC, Stockholm University)
21/09/2015, 14:55
The combination of data from long-baseline and reactor
oscillation experiments leads to a preference of the leptonic CP
phase $\delta_{\rm CP}$ in the range between $\pi$ and $2\pi$. We study the
statistical significance of this hint by performing a Monte Carlo
simulation of the relevant data. We find that the distribution of
the standard test statistic used to derive confidence...
Benjamin Farmer
(Oskar Klein Centre)
21/09/2015, 15:20
Is model X a viable candidate for physics "Beyond the Standard Model", in the face of the combined weight of all currently known experimental data? If so, what limits exist on its parameter space? These simple questions are the first that one would like to answer when examining a particular theoretical model, however answering them comprehensively is a huge task, requiring a wide array of...