Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

Service Challenge Technical Meeting

IT amphitheatre (CERN)

IT amphitheatre


Preparations for LHC activities in Q4 2006 / 2007 (ATLAS Computing System Commissioning (CSC), CMS CSA06 and other similar activities)

Draft Agenda


  • Update on site monitoring since SC4 Throughput.

    The goal is to arrive at effective, pro-active site monitoring asap (at bare minimum establish a concrete roadmap with milestones) - the goal being how to run reliable, stable services and not just monitoring per se

  • Operations reviews of June - August production running (comparisons with upfront metrics)
    • Harry Renshall and Ian Fisk for ATLAS production - also for ALICE and LHCb?
    • N/A for CMS (CSA06 is just starting...) unless we cover pre-CSA06 debugging...
  • Experiment reviews of production
    • ATLAS
    • CMS
    • ALICE
    • LHCb


  • Detailed experiment plans + requirements for Q4 2006 / Q1 2007 production
    • By experiment, sorted by start date
  • Report on 3D services required "now" (e.g. Sep 15 for CMS CSA06, TBD for ATLAS, LHCb...) and their roll-out across the various Tiers.

VRVS Information

VRVS appointment in Sunny Virtual Room that belongs to Weather/Universe community:

Start at 08:30 the 15 September 2006 Finish at 17:58 the 15 September 2006 Time displayed in Time Zone: GMT +2 summer (Bern/Switzerland)

Title: "Service Challenge Technical Meeting"

  • Alberto Aimar
  • Andrea Valassi
  • Andreas Heiss
  • Andreas Motzke
  • Dario Barberis
  • Derek Ross
  • Dirk Duellmann
  • Federico Carminati
  • Federico Calzolari
  • Greig Cowan
  • Guido Cuscela
  • Helene Cordier
  • Ian Fisk
  • James Casey
  • Jamie Shiers
  • Jen Hung-Che
  • Kors Bos
  • Laura Perini
  • Lionel Schwarz
  • Maite Barroso Lopez
  • Maria Lorenza Ferrer
  • Michael Ernst
  • Miguel De Oliveira Branco
  • Nicholas Thackray
  • Olivier van der Aa van der Aa
  • Patricia Mendez Lorenzo
  • Pedro Emanuel De Castro Faria Salgado
  • Phool Chand
  • Reda Tafirout
  • Rodney Walker
  • Silke Halstenberg
  • Stefano Bagnasco
  • Trompert Ron
  • Xavi Espinal
  • Zhongliang Ren