3–7 Nov 2015
Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer Management, Warsaw University of Technology
Europe/Zurich timezone

Correlations and fluctuations of pions at the LHC

4 Nov 2015, 14:50
Main Auditorium (Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer Management, Warsaw University of Technology)

Main Auditorium

Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer Management, Warsaw University of Technology

Warsaw University of Technology Central Campus ul. Rektorska 00-614 Warszawa, Poland


Viktor Begun


The intriguing possibility of Bose-Einstein condensation of pions (BEC) at the LHC [1-3] is examined with the use of higher order moments of the multiplicity distribution. The scaled variance, skewness and kurtosis are calculated for the pion system in and out of chemical equilibrium. The effects of resonance decays are estimated. The obtained results show the possibility to see a significant increase of the kurtosis for the case of BEC in the measured data. [1] Bose-Einstein condensation of pions in heavy-ion collisions at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) energies By Viktor Begun, Wojciech Florkowski. arXiv:1503.04040 [nucl-th]. Phys.Rev. C91 (2015) 054909. [2] Transverse-momentum spectra of strange particles produced in Pb+Pb collisions at sNN‾‾‾‾√=2.76 TeV in the chemical non-equilibrium model By Viktor Begun, Wojciech Florkowski, Maciej Rybczynski. arXiv:1405.7252 [hep-ph]. Phys.Rev. C90 (2014) 5, 054912. [3] Explanation of hadron transverse-momentum spectra in heavy-ion collisions at s√NN= 2.76 TeV within chemical non-equilibrium statistical hadronization model By Viktor Begun, Wojciech Florkowski, Maciej Rybczynski. arXiv:1312.1487 [nucl-th]. Phys.Rev. C90 (2014) 1, 014906.


Viktor Begun

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