May 31, 2015 to June 5, 2015
Europe/Helsinki timezone
The NDM Symposia aim at gathering together people from the fields of neutrino physics, astrophysics, and dark-matter physics to discuss experiments and theories which need nuclear-physics input in the form of nuclear targets, nuclear decays, etc. At present nuclear structure plays an ever growing role in the mentioned fields of fundamental physics and it is of utmost importance to allow people working at the intersections of these fields to meet every now and then to exchange ideas and results. The NDM Symposium series is practically the only large venue dedicated to the discussion of connections of nuclear-structure physics to fundamental physics in micro and macro scales. NDM'15 is the next link in the chain of Symposia started in 2003 in Nara, the historical capital of Japan, as a congress supported by the Yamada foundation. In 2006 the NDM06 Symposium was hosted by Paris, in 2009 the NDM'09 was held in Madison, Wisconsin and in 2012 again in Nara, Japan.