This technical interchange meeting will look at the ongoing framework developments, what we should be doing in software infrastructure, how simulation, digitisation and reconstruction will evolve in the next few years towards Run3.
We intend for this meeting to be discussion-rich, rather the full of talks and also to have room for discussion of more radical solutions and possibly disruptive changes.
Note that in addition to the general plenary sessions (Mon-Wed) rooms are available for smaller dedicated breakouts and hackathons Thursday and Friday. Sessions are definitely planned for the Kaggle Tracking Challenge and for the new framework. All participants are encouraged to stay and further proposals are very welcome.
A modest registration fee of $30 is requested in order to cover the costs of the meeting. It can be paid by cash or personal check during the meeting. Some housing options are below:
The Berkeley Lab Guest House (+1.510.495.8000) is located onsite here at the lab. If you're lodging at the LBNL Guest House, it should send you a bus or parking pass for the duration of your stay. We have blocked a number rooms, which you can reserve one of by going to, clicking on "RESERVATIONS", and entering the group booking code B02K15.
The Hotel Shattuck Plaza (+1.510.845.7300) is located in downtown Berkeley, near the BART station, and has rooms available around the workshop for about $180/night.
The Downtown Berkeley Inn has rooms for around $100/night during the workshop.
A few rooms are available at the French Hotel Berkeley Rooms at the Hotel Durant are available for around $170/night during the workshop.
Many discount hotels are nearby and can be found on various websites.