Neutrinos and Double Beta Decay
Antony Carver
(University of Warwick)
08/04/2009, 11:30
The ND280 calorimeter is a coarsely grained lead/scintillator detector. The coarse granularity presents challenges for particle identification. Progress in using an artificial neural network to separate MIP, electromagnetic showers and hadronic showers is presented.
Rui Luo
(University of Glasgow)
08/04/2009, 11:45
We investigate leptogenesis in the E6 inspired Supersymmetric Standard Model. In this model, the gauge singlet right-handed neutrinos decay into ordinary leptons, exotic leptons and leptoquarks, all of which carry non-zero lepton number. Lepton asymmetries are calculated from loop diagram contributions to the right-handed neutrino decay. We find that lepton asymmetries can be enhanced...
David Auty
(University of Sussex)
08/04/2009, 12:00
The NuMI beam used by the MINOS experiment has a 6% component of anti neutrinos. This coupled with the magnetised MINOS experiment allows us to measure dmbar^2 and sin 2 thetabar directly. If CPT is conserved these should be the same as dm^2 and sin 2 theta.
Matthew Kauer
(University College London)
08/04/2009, 12:15
Using 911 days of data from NEMO-3, a world best 2vBB decay half-life of Zr96 has been measured to be [2.36 +/-0.17(stat) +0.17 -0.14(syst)] x 10^19 yr. The obtained limit on the 0vBB decay half-life at the 90% confidence level is 8.5 x 10^21 yr which leads to the limit on the effective Majorana neutrino mass < 7.4 - 20.3 eV, using the RQRPA and pnQRPA nuclear models. SuperNEMO is a...
Christopher Jackson
(University of Manchester)
08/04/2009, 12:30
Double Beta Decay and Dark Matter
SuperNEMO is a next generation neutrinoless double beta decay experiment currently in development, which will probe the inverted hierarchy neutrino mass region. The detector will consist of a double beta emitting foil of Se82 or Nd150 surrounded by a tracking chamber and calorimetry, which allows measurement of electron angular correlations and individual energies. These signatures can be used...
Tracey LI
(University of Durham)
08/04/2009, 12:45
A 'neutrino factory' is seen as the ideal neutrino oscillation experiment
of the future. We study the physics performance of a low-energy version of
this experiment, in particular its sensitivity to theta_13, delta, the
mass hierarchy and non-standard interactions, and aim to optimize its