Welcome to the Open science café!
We all come from different countries and different backgrounds, so the purpose of the workshop is to share experiences, expertises, best practices, questions and possibile solutions on the common framework of Open Science.
We shall divide into six groups leaded by international experts on: Open Science as a global issue, new tools for Open Science, new infrastructures (like the European Open Science Cloud), ideas for the “next generation” repositories, data management and reuse practices, text and data mining and copyright issues. After 20 minutes participants will be invited to mix and change group, to better debate and compare different approaches.
If you are new to the topic, or if you want to know more, you could have a look to something which might be useful to set the scene for the discussion:
- the Amsterdam Call for Action on Open Science : https://english.eu2016.nl/documents/reports/2016/04/04/amsterdam-call-for-action-on-open-science
- the Open Science wheel by Bianca Kramer and Jeroen Bosman : https://figshare.com/articles/Wheel_of_Open_Science_practices_image_/4628014
- the preprint Do you speak open science? Resources and tips to learn the language by Paola Masuzzo and Lennart Martens : https://peerj.com/preprints/2689/
Don’t forget to bring your passion for openness and your wish to change things!