Accessibility and reusability of research data is as important for academic communication as accessibility and reusability of publications. In many cases research data are part of a publication and new genre data-publication is rapidly expanding. With a growing focus on research data come demands for an increase investment in data curation and corresponding infrastructure. In order to make best use of these investments and to build sound research data policies the corresponding legal issues have to be addressed. IP-law is an important sphere of the legal environment of research data. Workshop participants will be introduced to applicable IP-law. They will learn what needs to be investigated in order to determine who "owns", respectively who has the right to control certain research data. This will enhance the ability of the participants to advise researchers especially in planning research project and writing research data management plans. No prior knowledge is copyright is needed to successfully participate in the workshop.
However, participants should be aware that the workshop does not constitute legal advice and that due to variations in the applicable law the specific questions referring to the law of a particular country may not be answered.