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21–23 Jun 2017
University of Geneva
Europe/Zurich timezone

T.4. Playing the name game: best (and worst) practices for collecting and using ORCID iDs

21 Jun 2017, 09:00
MR170 (Uni Mail)


Uni Mail


Mr Josh BrownMr Robert Peters


A name plus an ORCID iD equals an unambiguous connection between a person and their work. More than 3 million researchers think that this is a good thing - that’s why they registered for their iD. But some iDs are better than others… Some iDs are helpful sources of additional information, like: when was this connection made? Who made it? Where did the information attached come from? Some iDs are just a number. Some iDs are a real connection. How can you tell the difference, and, most importantly, how can you make sure that the iDs in your system are good ones? This workshop look at how you can use authentication, API connections and new tools from ORCID to collect authenticated, trustworthy iDs, and finally we'll cover how to use and share authenticated ORCID iDs once you have them.

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