21–23 Jun 2017
University of Geneva
Europe/Zurich timezone

T.6. All aboard! Open science workflows for widespread adoption.

21 Jun 2017, 09:00
M1150 (Uni Mail)


Uni Mail


Mrs Bianca KramerMr Jeroen Bosman


A common view on the aspects of Open Science that are most important and useful to pursue and support (and how these hang together) currently seems lacking, and active uptake of Open Science practices by researchers is limited so far. With the combined knowledge and brainpower of all the participants in this active session (call it a ‘doathon’) we will gauge the Open Science waters to see if we can suggest routes that will convince the ‘early majority’ of researchers to embark. To do that we will look at open science practices in all phases of the workflow and determine to what extent these are already adopted organically, to what extent they are technically feasible (using existing tools and platforms) and to what extent they align with important declarations & policies. The end result will be practical open science workflow(s) that have a good chance of wide adoption and thus merit full support of the OA and OS community. This could provide direction and prioritise next steps for all those involved (researchers, funders, publishers, librarians, and technologists).

Open Science Workflows - putting the pieces together : https://vimeo.com/189880043

Presentation materials