21–23 Jun 2017
University of Geneva
Europe/Zurich timezone

Tech. session : Making a case for decentralised scholarly communication

21 Jun 2017, 14:00
Uni Mail MR380

Uni Mail MR380


Mr Sarven Capadisli


This talk will describe the socio-technical problem space which makes it challenging to create a native Web-based scholarly communication.  Topics such as accessibility, centralisation, communication, user experience, machine-readability, and community practice will be discussed in order to investigate the necessity to materialise solutions towards decentralised scholarly communication. WebIDs, personal storages, Linked Data Notifications, Web annotations, as well as the Linked Research initiative will be discussed. dokieli (a clientside editor for decentralised article publishing, annotations and social interactions) will be used to exemplify what is already possible today and the challenges ahead.

Presentation materials