21–23 Jun 2017
University of Geneva
Europe/Zurich timezone

Including Open Access information in Institutional repositories

Not scheduled
University of Geneva

University of Geneva

Uni Mail Boulevard du Pont-d'Arve 40 1205 Genève


Dr Gernot Deinzer (Universität Regensburg)


Originally, Open Access repositories provide access to the fulltext. However, they often support a quite limited meta data model and thus lack addtional information important for institutions, funders, and other stake holders. To monitor the transformation from traditional towards Open Access publishng information about payment agreements, offsetting models, vouchers and article processing charges are essential, but not easily accessible and usually not linked with the Open Access fulltexts provided by the repositories.

At the University of Regensburg [1] and within the project JOIN2 [2] we use an extended metadata scheme. In addition to standard fields like licence information we incorporate information for fee management to cover both Gold as well as Green Open Access

This information can be filled in easily during existing workflows of depositing publication. That way reporting, e.g. for funders, can be done in a very efficient way following different requirements e.g. including publication licences or author identifiers like ORCIDs.

In addition, we have developed a XML-based format for including cost information in the OAI-PMH-Interface. Therefore, cost associated with single publication can be harvested by third parties. The first effort, who takes advantage of the new services offered by the two institutions, is the OpenAPC initiative [3] by the University Library of Bielefeld, which releases datasets on fees paid for Open Access journel articles worldwide. Instead of uploading csv-files on GitHub by participating institutions, the APCs paid are harvested automatically and can be updated on a regular basis.

The poster will demonstrate the University Library of Regensburg's solution to manage APCs within the institutional repository and will open the discussion about a XML scheme for exchanging Open Access information.


[1] see https://epub.uni-regensburg.de

[2] see http://join2.de/

[3] Apel J. et al.: Datasets on fee-based Open Access publishing across German Institutions. Bielefeld University. 10.4119/UNIBI/UB.2014.18.

Primary author

Dr Gernot Deinzer (Universität Regensburg)


Dr Alexander Wagner (DESY Hamburg) Mr Christoph Broschinski (Universität Bielefeld) Mr Dirk Pieper (Universität Bielefeld)

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