Feb 13 – 17, 2006
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Europe/Zurich timezone

Testing Grid Software: The development of a distributed screen recorder to enable front end and usability testing

Feb 14, 2006, 2:40 PM
AG 77 (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)

AG 77

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

Homi Bhabha Road Mumbai 400005 India
oral presentation Software Tools and Information Systems Software Tools and Information Systems


Mr Florian Urmetzer (Research Assistant in the ACET centre, The University of Reading, UK)


Ongoing research has shown that testing grid software is complex. Automated testing mechanisms seem to be widely used, but are critically discussed on account of their efficiency and correctness in finding errors. Especially when programming distributed collaborative systems, structures get complex and systems get more error-prone. Past projects done by the authors have shown that the most important part of the tests seem to be tests conducted in a test-bed. However, reconstructing errors was nearly impossible. The researchers have developed a distributed screen recorder as proof-of-concept, which enables the tester to record screens in different locations. The playback is synchronous and can therefore be used to easily reconstruct moments in time, for example when errors have occurred. Additionally, the screen recorder allows conducting usability tests of distributed applications by recording web cam pictures of the user. The application will make front-end and usability testing of Grid applications easier and more efficient.

Primary authors

Mr Florian Urmetzer (Research Assistant in the ACET centre, The University of Reading, UK) Mr Gareth Lewis (Research Assistant in the ACET centre, The University of Reading, UK)


Mr Mehmood Hasan (Research Assistant in the ACET centre, The University of Reading, UK) Prof. Vassil Alexandrov (Professor in the ACET centre, The University of Reading, UK)

Presentation materials