Stephane Willocq
(University of Massachusetts)
The Muon Spectrometer for the Atlas experiment at the LHC is designed to identify
muons with transverse momentum greater than 3 GeV/c and measure muon momenta with
high precision up to the highest momenta expected at the LHC. The 50-micron sagitta
resolution translates into a transverse momentum resolution of 10% for muon
transverse momenta of 1 TeV/c. Precise tracking is provided by Monitored Drift Tubes
at central and forward rapidities and by Cathode Strip Chambers at very forward
rapidities. Dedicated alignment systems are a critical component of the design to
attain such precision.
We review the design of the muon reconstruction software and discuss the different
pattern recognition approaches that have been developed. Track fitting and the
handling of the inert material are also presented. The pattern recognition algorithms
are required to be fast and efficienct for use in the high-level trigger, and they
have been designed to take advantage of the characteristics of the signals from the
different detector technologies in the spectrometer. Finally, we present the
dedicated algorithms for cosmic-ray muon pattern recognition as well as first results
from cosmic-ray data taking with the first muon chambers to be installed in the Atlas
Stephane Willocq
(University of Massachusetts)