Markus Elsing
Over the past 3 years the ATLAS Inner Detector reconstruction software has
undergone a major redesign based on the recommendations of an internal
review in spring 2003. The new track reconstruction infrastructure is characterized
- a standardized ATLAS geometry model
- a common track reconstruction data model
- a suite of common extrapolation, track fitting, vertexing and pattern recognition
tools with abstract interfaces to all functional modules
- a suite of detector specific reconstruction tools with abstract interfaces
- a chain of reconstruction algorithms building on this infrastructure
An important aspect of the new track reconstruction infrastructure is that the
geometry, data model and common tools are shared between the ATLAS
Inner Detector and Muon system software to allow for a maximum communality
in their code base. The implementation has been done using a mixture of
existing code fragments from the legacy reconstruction packages migrated into
the new framework and new functional components previously not available in
ATLAS. The new Inner Detector reconstruction is designed to run offline and
in the Event Filter, the latter involves seeding the reconstruction from the Level-2
trigger result. In the talk an overview of the ATLAS new tracking is given and
results are shown for the different use-cases like real data from the full slice
ATLAS combined test beam, offline reconstruction of full simulation, Event
Filter studies and Inner Detector commissioning with cosmic data.
Markus Elsing