Ofer Rind
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)Ms
Zhenping Liu
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
The Brookhaven RHIC/ATLAS Computing Facility serves as both the tier-0 computing
center for RHIC and the tier-1 computing center for ATLAS in the United States. The
increasing challenge of providing local and grid-based access to very large datasets
in a reliable, cost-efficient and high-performance manner, is being addressed by a
large-scale deployment of dCache, the distributed disk caching system developed by
Currently in production for the PHENIX and ATLAS experiments, dCache is employing the
same worker nodes utilized by the RHIC and ATLAS analysis clusters, making use of the
large amount of low-cost, locally-mounted disk space available on the computing farm.
Within the hybrid storage/computing model, the worker nodes function simultaneously
as file servers and compute elements, providing for a cost-effective, high throughput
data storage system. dCache also serves as a caching front-end to the HPSS Mass
Storage System, where access to the data on tape is provided through an integrated
optimizing layer that was developed at BNL.
BNL's dCache functions as SRM-based Storage Element in the context of OSG and LCG. It
has been serving on a production scale at BNL since November 2004, exhibiting quality
performance through a number of Service Challenges and US ATLAS production runs.
This presentation will cover the design and usage of this system, including
performance metrics and scalability considerations as the facility expands toward an
expected petabyte scale deployment in 2007.
Bruce Gibbard
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Dantong Yu
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Ofer Rind
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Razvan Popescu
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Xin Zhao
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Yingzi Wu
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Zhenping Liu
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)