Andrew Hanushevsky
(Stanford Linear Accelerator Center)
When the BaBar experiment transitioned to using the Root Framework s new data server
architecture, xrootd, was developed to address event analysis needs. This
architecture was deployed at SLAC two years ago and since then has also been deployed
at other BaBar Tier 1 sites: IN2P3, INFN, FZK, and RAL; as well as other non-BaBar
sites: CERN (Alice), BNL (Star), and Cornell (CLEO). As part of the deployment,
extensive and rigorous performance and scalibility measurements were performed. This
paper describes those measurements and shows how the results indicate that xrootd is
an ideal platform for low latency high performance data access; as well as its future
role in memory-based data access architectures.
Primary author
Andrew Hanushevsky
(Stanford Linear Accelerator Center)
Bill Weeks
(Stanford Linear Accelerator Center)
Fabrizio Furano
Gerardo Ganis
Jean-Yves Nief
Peter Elmer
(University of Wisconsin)
Wilko Kroeger
(Stanford Linear Accelerator Center)