The tightly integrated structure of CHEPREO’s learning and research program is
unique in its combination of interregional character (spanning the US, South
America and the CERN laboratory in Europe), and its direct involvement of minority
students in leading-edge scientific research in a national and global working
environment. It builds on a strong foundation at FIU of committed leadership,
excellent academic programs and special relationships with several South American
countries through its AMPATH advanced research and education network. It also
leverages the leading roles, facilities and ongoing collaborative projects of
Caltech, UF and FSU in (1) the development and operation for science of
international networks, Grids, and collaborative systems; (2) the CMS detector
development and its exploration of the high energy frontier of particle physics;
and (3) the development of the iVDGL which is being extended to South America
through the AMPATH “Gateway to the Americas” in partnership with the State
University of Rio de Janeiro, a.k.a. Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
(UERJ) in Brazil, as well as to Europe through the Abilene backbone and
the “Starlight” international network peering point in Chicago, in cooperation with
the European DataTAG project.
The CHEPREO structure provides a rich, multifaceted environment for active
participation by Hispanic, black and women minority students involved in education,
physics, and information technologies. Its unique incorporation of forefront
research, science outreach, international networking, Grid-based computing and
connections to South American research universities will enhance and inspire the
next generation of scientists and network engineers and significantly advance
science education. U.S National Science Foundation Award #0312038