13–17 Feb 2006
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Europe/Zurich timezone

Grid Operations: the evolution of operational model over the first year

13 Feb 2006, 16:40
Auditorium (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)


Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

Homi Bhabha Road Mumbai 400005 India
oral presentation Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation Grid Middleware and e-Infrastructure Operation


Mr Gilles Mathieu (IN2P3, Lyon)Ms Helene Cordier (IN2P3, Lyon)Mr Piotr Nyczyk (CERN)


The paper reports on the evolution of operational model which was set up in the "Enabling Grids for E-sciencE" (EGEE) project, and on the implications of Grid Operations in LHC Computing Grid (LCG). The primary tasks of Grid Operations cover monitoring of resources and services, notification of failures to the relevant contacts and problem tracking through a ticketing system. Moreover, an escalation procedure is enforced to urge the responsible bodies to address and solve the problems. An extensive amount of knowledge has been collected, documented and published in a way which facilitates a rapid resolution to the common problems. Initially, the daily operations were performed by only one person at CERN, but the task soon required setting up a small team. The number of sites in production quickly expanded from 60 to 170 in less than a year. The expansion of EGEE/LCG infrastructure has led to distributed workload which involves more and more geographically scattered teams. The evolution of both procedures and workflow requires steady refinement of the tools which consist of the ticketing system, knowledge database and integration platform and which are used for monitoring and operations management. Since EGEE/LCG production infrastructure relies on the availability of robust operations mechanisms, it is essential to gradually improve the operational procedures and to track the progress of the tools' on-going development.


Mr Frederic Schaer (IN2P3, Lyon) Mr Gilles Mathieu (IN2P3, Lyon) Ms Helene Cordier (IN2P3, Lyon) Ms Judit Novak (CERN) Mr Markus Schulz (CERN) Mr Min-Hong Tsai (Academia Sinica, Taipei) Mr Piotr Nyczyk (CERN)

Presentation materials